Program Overview

WELCOME TO THE ALPHA FEMALE TRAINING PRIVATE MEMBERSHIP PROGRAM...Boost Your Metabolism and Balance Your Hormones Naturally!

I'm SO GLAD you're here! Each day new content will become available to you. Let's do this.

*Please note that digestion is highly individual. Use the grocery and approved foods list, but if something is bothering you.. cut it out! And if something ISN'T on the list.. just don't eat it.. I promise, we'll get into that later.

This program is a comprehensive guide to balance hormones, improve metabolism, jump start weight loss and create healthy lifelong habits.

Fatigue, weight gain, bloating, insomnia, joint pain, loss of muscle, anxiety, PMS, depression, brain fog, and more...if you’re experiencing any of these symptoms and feel like you have lost control of your body, welcome to perimenopause and menopause!

This stage of life can leave even the strongest of women feeling weak, frustrated, depressed, and even make you think you’re going just a little crazy. But don’t worry, there’s hope and light at the end of this tunnel and through trial and error I think I have discovered the secrets to reclaiming control of our bodies through this difficult time. 

Thank you for joining my program. This is a program for women who are not willing to just sit by and let aging get the best of them. We are a group of women who believe that we are in the prime of our life and want the health and body to match that. 

While many programs out there are designed for a quick fix, this program is about a complete lifestyle change that quite honestly will take some time. Remember, you do not gain weight or become unhealthy overnight, so you can't expect to have the health and body you desire that quickly. But, I promise you, with patience and consistency, you will see results.

I’ve designed this program for women over 40, because let’s face it, somewhere around that age (maybe a little before or after) our bodies begin to change thanks to aging, hormonal changes, and slowing metabolisms. 

 What if I told you that you can 100% take back control of your body with proper nutrition, lifestyle changes, and the right type of exercise for this stage of life?

This program is the very day-to-day steps that I have followed to regain my health and physical appearance through perimenopause and what has worked for many of my female clients well into their 70’s.

Helping women through this transition of life has become my passion, because I am right there with you, living the day-to-day challenges of aging. I realized as I entered perimenopause that what once worked for me (constant calorie deficit and over exercising) was not working anymore. I also began to become sensitive to so many foods that I had eaten my whole life, developed allergies and cystic acne and felt tired and bloated everyday. I knew I had to make changes to get this under control and that is how this plan was developed. It worked for me, and now I want to help you.

In my research I discovered some interesting things about women as they age:

  • Women lose an average of 5% of their muscle mass each decade after the age of 40 (less muscle, less fat burning).
  • Hormones such as estrogen, progesterone, and testosterone begin to decline leading to weight gain and other symptoms.
  • While hormone levels are dropping, they don’t always decline equally causing estrogen dominance for many women over 40 which affects our weight among numerous other symptoms.
  • Insulin production increases and many become insulin resistant causing stored fat and weight gain.
  • Sleep patterns change causing fatigue and spikes in cortisol (our stress hormone that can contribute to fat around the midsection).
  • Metabolism begins to slow due to hormonal changes and many times because of years of constantly dieting and living at a calorie deficit.
  • Many women fail to choose the appropriate type of exercise for this stage of life. As they start to see weight gain, they begin to do more and more cardio which can stress our bodies causing a spike in cortisol and weight gain.
  • Your thyroid can become under active causing your metabolism to slow and make you too fatigued to exercise.
  • Years of poor diet or environmental toxins can cause you to have a leaky gut which leads to all types of food sensitivities, hormonal imbalance, and inflammation in the body.
  • Stress has weakened your adrenal glands leading to fatigue and weight gain.

I’m sure you can relate to some, if not all, of the above issues related to aging. The good news is although we cannot completely stop aging, we can control how our bodies deal with this natural process.

This program is designed to teach you how to make the right food choices for your individual genetics, how to heal your digestive system, and how to eat for optimal hormonal balance. You will learn how through portion control and eating nutrient dense food you no longer need to starve yourself or endlessly count calories. We will jump start your weight loss while ridding your body of toxins. I have designed a workout program that doesn’t take hours of your day (because who has time for that!), but yet boosts your metabolism throughout the day.

This program is easy to follow along and will take you step-by-step weekly through the process.  

So how are we going to take back control of your hormones, health and body? 

Phase One -

Your first step of the program will be about removing the foods, personal care products and bad habits that are affecting your health. We will also be removing any long cardio sessions that you may now be doing or high intensity workouts over 30 minutes.

Phase Two -

This phase will be about replacing the eliminated foods with nutrient dense foods that will begin to heal your body. We will also replace personal care and cleaning supplies with products that are not loaded with toxic ingredients. We will be replacing any long cardio workouts with weight training, HIIT workouts that are 30 minutes or less, and low intensity steady state cardio.

Over years of unhealthy diets and exposures to toxins in our food and environment our gut flora becomes unbalanced. This stage will be about restoring a healthy balance of good bacteria. The first two steps will have already begun the repairing process. During this phase we will introduce some of my favorite herbs and supplements to heal the gut and liver.   

Phase Three -

Proper digestive and liver functions are necessary for the health and balance of our body’s and hormones, so after we have worked on the steps to begin to repair our gut and liver, we will move to bringing our hormones back into balance.  We will be working on restoring hormonal balance through diet, exercise, and natural supplements. 

We will start introducing foods back after week one.  Once we have allowed our body and gut time to heal, we will begin to reintroduce your favorite foods that you eliminated in step one. I will teach you how to determine if your body has a negative reaction to each food so you can begin to create a diet that works for YOU.

By using this program, you have agreed to the following terms:

This program contains general medical information.

The medical information is not advice and should not be treated as such.

The medical information in this program is provided without any representations or warranties, express or implied.

We do not warrant or represent that the medical information in this program:

(a) will be constantly available, or available at all; or

(b) is true, accurate, complete, current or non-misleading.

You must not rely on the information in this program as an alternative to medical advice from your doctor or other professional healthcare provider.

If you have any specific questions about any medical matter, you should consult your doctor or other professional healthcare provider.

If you think you may be suffering from any medical condition, you should seek immediate medical attention.

You should never delay seeking medical advice, disregard medical advice or discontinue medical treatment because of information in this program.

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